The filter will be used on mail when it arrives in your In box.
The filter will not be used on mail when it arrives in your In box.
The filter will be used on mail after it is sent.
The filter will not be used on mail after it is sent.
The filter will be used when you choose ΓÇ£Filter MessagesΓÇ¥ from the ΓÇ£SpecialΓÇ¥ menu.
The filter will not be used when you choose ΓÇ£Filter MessagesΓÇ¥ from the ΓÇ£SpecialΓÇ¥ menu.
Your filters are listed here. Click on one to display it. Drag them to change their order of excecution (filters are run from the top of the list down).
Type the name of the message header (eg, ΓÇ£To:ΓÇ¥) here.
«Any Header» means any of the message headers.
«Any Recipient» means anyone the message was sent to.
«Body» means the body of the message.
Type the string youΓÇÖre looking for here.
Grey because no filter is selected.
Grey because only one term is in use.
Will match if the header field named above contains the string to the right.
(e.g., in ΓÇ£From: sdorner@qualcomm.comΓÇ¥, header ΓÇ£From:ΓÇ¥ contains ΓÇ£sdornerΓÇ¥.)
Will match if the header field named above does not contain the string to the right.
(e.g., in ΓÇ£From: sdorner@qualcomm.comΓÇ¥, header ΓÇ£From:ΓÇ¥ does not contain ΓÇ£a lifeΓÇ¥.)
Will match if the header field named above is exactly the string on the right, no more, no less.
(e.g., in ΓÇ£From: sdorner@qualcomm.comΓÇ¥, header ΓÇ£From:ΓÇ¥ is ΓÇ£sdorner@qualcomm.comΓÇ¥.)
Will match if the header field named above differs at all from the string on the right.
(e.g., in ΓÇ£From: sdorner@qualcomm.comΓÇ¥, header ΓÇ£From:ΓÇ¥ is not ΓÇ£sdornerΓÇ¥.)
Will match if the header field named above starts with the string to the right.
(e.g., in ΓÇ£From: sdorner@qualcomm.comΓÇ¥, header ΓÇ£From:ΓÇ¥ starts with ΓÇ£sdornerΓÇ¥.)
Will match if the header field named above ends with the string to the right.
(e.g., in ΓÇ£From: sdorner@qualcomm.comΓÇ¥, header ΓÇ£From:ΓÇ¥ ends with ΓÇ£qualcomm.comΓÇ¥.)
Will match if the header field named above appears anywhere in the message header.
Will match if the header field named above does not appear anywhere in the message header.
Will match if the header field named above is the same as any of the addresses in the nickname named on the right.
Will match if the header field named above contains none of the addresses in the nickname named on the right.
Message will match if the first term (above) matches; the second term (below) is ignored.
Both the first and second terms (above & below) must match for a message to match.
Either or both the first and second terms (above & below) may match for a message to match.
Message will match if the first term (above) matches but the second term (below) does not.
This is the date this filter was last used on a message.
Use the popup menu to select something else for this filter to do.
This action will be taken when a message matches the criteria in the Match: section.